
Monday 13 October 2014

My XtraMaths

This is my XtraMaths results and I just moved onto subtraction. I need to learn and know my subtraction off by heart and I also need to speed up because it only gives me 10 seconds

My worst mistake

My Worst mistake

My worst mistake was when my mum gave me $10 to go to the shops to buy the milk and bread and when I went to the shops, I realized that I've lost the money.
I was panicking and the shop keeper couldn't do anything.

When I was walking near the shops I was feeling my pocket and once I got into the shops I realized it was lost. The shopkeeper asked me if I was alright and i told them I lost my $10 and the lady said she couldn't do anything. I walked out of the shop looked where I was walking and there was nothing. I felt like crying but I didn't want to because people will think I’m a cry baby but I’m not. Lucky enough I saw my aunty(my dad’s sister ) she asked me if I was alright and I told her I lost my $10 and the $10 was to buy the milk and bread.

My aunty was kind enough to buy the milk and bread. I was still panicking because my mum was expecting her change back. Once I got home I was thanking my aunty and I told her not to tell my mum or nana. I went to go pack the bread away and make my mum’s coffee and when I went into her room, I gave her coffee and she asked for the change and I told her I left it in the kitchen and she told me, I could used it to buy me a drink or lollies.

I told my mum I was joking it’s not in the kitchen, I already used the money to buy me a crunchy chips and a drink. My mum said she was alright with me using the leftover money.

My worst mistake was when my mum gave me $10 to go to the shops to buy the milk and bread and when I went to the shops, I realized that I've lost the money.

I was panicking and the shop keeper couldn't do anything.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Holiday Reading: New Cover

Screenshot 2014-10-11 at 8.49.46 PM.png

  • Title - Nelson Mandela “ NO EASY TALK TO FREEDOM
  • Author - Barry Denenberg
  • Type of book - Historic figures
  • Why your cover is better?

I think my cover is better because it has more pictures and it looks interesting to read.

Friday 10 October 2014

Holiday Reading : Soundtrack


-Title - Bullied
-Author- Jeff Erno
-Type of book - Romance and Drama
-How the music you have chosen fits the story you have read :

This music tells us that a young boy gets bullied and called names for no reasons and he tries to tell his mum, but his mum is having trouble with the dad so that's when his life gets messed up. So I think this song fits the book that I am reading real well, because the book is about teenager’s all over the country gets bullied, tortured and beaten for who they are.

Thursday 25 September 2014



Every year my family and I always celebrate Christmas. When Christmas day has finally come my family and I have a family gathering and we plan what to do for Christmas. My Aunty (Mum’s sister) and her family come the week before Christmas. My Mum and Aunty cook for the whole week of Christmas. My Aunty cooks dinner, and my Mum makes desserts.

Last year on Christmas Eve my Aunty cooked the family a special meal, roast ham with honey and mustard. For my Aunty’s delicious roast ham, she uses melted butter and spreads it all over the ham, and then she added some pieces of pineapple on the ham and used toothpicks to stick the pineapple on. To add to the dinner my Aunty also cooks either rice or potato. For dessert my mum made jelly and one of her delicious desserts, trifle cake.

In the trifle cake she puts a sponge cake on the bottom and then adds her fillings (cream, strawberry, custard and a sprinkle of nuts and then she repeats the same thing, but instead of strawberries she adds in all sorts of fruit, usually blueberries or mango.

Every year my family and I always celebrate Christmas. When Christmas day finally arrives my Mum and Aunty cook for the whole week of Christmas. I love Christmas with my family.


Tuesday 23 September 2014

My Favourite Movie

Favourite Movie

The Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Do you believe that apes can talk. Some of the things they say are like. ‘Human don’t come near APE’
The dawn of the Planet of the Apes, is one of the best Adventure/Action/Thriller film I've ever seen. The Apes can talk, they can walk and they can also ride on horses and give birth.

The movie, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is for 13+ only, and the movie could be a bit sad and funny. When it’s sad it sometimes make me sad and cry or when it’s funny i’ll laugh or smile . My least favourite part of the movie, is when they try to kill each other and my favourite part of the movie is when they help each other at the end.

This is one of my 2nd favourite movies out of all adventure/thriller/action film, because the apes and the humans, tries to kill each other and the apes cause trouble with the war and the killing, but in the end, the humans save the day.

Monday 15 September 2014

Xtramaths results

This is my xtramaths result, I moved on to subtraction and I need to improve more, and I also need to learn my subtraction quickly. Subtraction only gives me 10 seconds to write down my answer

Friday 29 August 2014

I remember

“I remember as if it were yesterday”

I remember as if it were yesterday, when I was in the hall with the netball girls and our coach (Mrs Emma), they were announcing the player of the day and after Mrs Emma announced the year 7 ‘s player of the day, she announced the year 8’s player of the day. I remember she said “The year 8’s player of the day goes to… Chloe”. At that moment I was shocked and I felt happy and excited. All the girls looked at me and they were clapping for me.

At the top of the sky tower

At the top of the sky tower

People look like tiny ants from the top of the sky tower. People strolling down memory lane when they walk into a shop they love. Cars racing past the lights.

Thursday 28 August 2014


How to play Netball

Have you ever played netball? Playing netball is a game that a lot of girls play. Netball is a game that you need to concentrate and focus on. For you to able to play netball, you need 7 players in your team.  They play particular positions.  There is some equipment you need and there are some excellent teams in the world including New Zealand’s silver ferns.

In Netball both teams need seven players because there’s seven position.
The seven positions are GS(Goal Shoot), GA(Goal Attack), WA(Wing Attack), C(Center), WD(Wing Defence), GD(Goal Defence), GK(Goal Keep).
When you're playing netball, make sure you have a bib on with your position label on it so you know what position you are.

If you have the ball, do not run with it you make sure you stay still and pass the ball to a person in your team that is close to you. When pass the ball make sure to chest pass it or over head the ball. You can also pivot with your ground foot if you need to face the other players in your team.

The New Zealand team is called the silver ferns. The Silver ferns played as part of the Commonwealth Games. Te Huinga Reo Selby- Rickit and Kayla Cullen are some of Silver Ferns netball players Te huinga plays GK and Kayla plays WD and the position they play that’s the position I play.
Playing netball is a fun game for me to play, and working together with my team.
At school we have a year 7 and 8 team and we play every Tuesday nights. In my position, I play WD(Wing Defence) and GK(Goal Keep).


Wednesday 30 July 2014

My Hexagon art

This is my hexagon art.
I used a protractor and compass for my design.
The thing i like best about my art, is that the colors stands out.
I would change/fix my squares on the red and blue triangles that are facing down.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Holiday Reading Challenge

Image result for double act book
- Title- Double act
- Author- Jacqueline Wilson
- Type of Book- Fiction, Children's literature

- What scene you have acted out- My little cousin and my little brother was acting out the scene, where the 2 twins Ruby and Garnet coming late to school on their first day.

Holiday Reading Challenge

Screenshot 2014-07-18 at 5.09.27 PM.png
Screenshot 2014-07-18 at 5.12.26 PM.png
This is the book i’m reading.                                Here is me reading, with no one interrupting.

-Title- The isle of masks
-Author- Pierdomenico Baccalario
-Type of book- Adventure

-Where you are reading- I am in my room, reading my book.

Monday 14 July 2014

Holiday reading chllange

The first picture is the original cover and the second picture is my new cover.
- Title: The Magic Finger
- Author: Roald Dahl
- Type of Book: Teenage fiction
- Why your cover is better: I think my cover is better, because its more interesting than the original cover. The original cover, has boring objects and it has normal picture's, but my cover has funny little objects and pictures I have created. I use my head, and think to myself, instead of coping and pasting pictures from Google images, I can be creative and create little pictures to make it more interesting for people to read.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Holiday reading challenge

-Title- My story(Mary the Queen of Scots)
-Author- Kathryn Lasky
-Type of book- Historical

-I would recommend this book to my sister, because she
loves to read books about an actual historical event and she also loves books, that has some situation for people to solve. For each chapters, it doesn’t have a title, it has the month, the date and the year.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

YMCA Lagoon Leisure and Fitness

Procedural text

Procedural text
How to fish an eel?

Long rope
Old kerosene lamp
Sheep Guts from Dad’s shed

1. Tie the long rope around the rope
2. Then use the other side of the rope to tie the lamp.
3. But the guts in the sack.
4. Lower the sack into the water.
5. Turn the lamp on, so you can see the eel.
6. The light will attract the eel, and the will able to go through the sack.
7. Once the eel is inside the sack, pull the rope up carefully.

Monday 9 June 2014

Climate Change bias

Climate Change bias

1a. The title of the article is
Climate change skeptic issues warning over political bias in global warming debate.

1b.What is the article about?
The article is about the climate changing over political bias in global warming.

2a. What did the research show?
The research shows that the climate might be less sensitive to greenhouse gases than had been previously reported.

2b. One reason it wasn’t published?
The climate sceptics could use it to defend their argument.

3a. The other reason...
The other reason is that the paper was rejected for solely editorial, rather than the political reasons.

3b. The article says….
The article says that the sciencle is gradually being influence by political view and that the policy’s decision needs to be based solely facts.

4a. I think……

I think, it would be better to write down all the information.

My Xtra maths results

I think i've done well on my xtra maths, but I am trying my best to move on to subtraction.

Friday 6 June 2014

Nice work

Never use the word SMALL, our teacher said,
it doesn't mean a thing.
Try….. Short, little, young,
miniature, narrow, limited
wee, immature, or pint sized.
The choice is as long as a string.
So please don’t use the word SMALL!
It just doesn't mean a thing.

That was summer

That was summer

Have you ever tasted summer?
Sure you have
Remember walking on the beach with our delicious ice cream
or sitting on the sand with our snacks beside us
and running around the beach playing tiggy
and walking into the cold salty water?
Remember watching the people running past with their dogs?
That was summer.

Have you ever heard of summer?
Sure you have
Remember when we walked through the cornfields
or finding the objects that were showed on the paper we were holding
and watching people talking and yelling at each other?
Remember cutting through the corn,
and the security guard that caught us?
That was summer.

Have you ever smelled summer?
Sure you have
Remember walking through the city
and walking past the restaurants,
smelling the delicious food coming from inside
and sitting near the tree, eating our food,
Remember driving around the city, and we can still smell that delicious food.

That was summer.

Thursday 22 May 2014

My Holiday reading reeport

Holiday reading

During the holiday, we had to read 3 books. The holiday reading was done in room 9/6. We did this holiday reading during our break, because we need to improve our results. We could do these reading activities anywhere in our own time.

The first book, I read was was The mouse who always gets into trouble.
It about a mouse, and his name is Jack who always got blamed for everything by the people he lives with. The activity I did for this book, was to create a new cover, so I changed the cover of the book and designed it to be a happy looking mouse.

The next 2 days, I read Fright Night. It was about the mouse who performs the best rhythms for the public and judges then at the end the best will be crowned. The activity I did for this book, was radical reading. For the radical reading activity I got my brother to take a photo of me reading my book, before we left for our family reunion.

On last week of the holiday I read the book, A trip to Niagara Falls. It was about a lovely mouse, offered to take his favourite nephew’s classmates to the Niagara Falls but the lovely mouse thought that he was to take the students to where he worked. The activity I did for this book, was to create my own activity I choose to rewrite a chapter of the story.

I think doing this holiday reading challenge was fun for me, reading my 3 novels was interesting, because everytime I get bored, I read and did my activity.

Room 6 daily rubbish

Room 6 Daily Rubbish
Screenshot 2014-05-22 at 10.31.02 AM.png

This graph shows you how much rubbish was brought to school on Thursday. The most rubbish brought to school was chippie packets. The same amount of glad wrap and wrappers were brought to school that day, glad wrap and wrappers is also the second highest amount of rubbish brought to school. Plastic drink bottle and cardboard boxes were the lowest amount of rubbish brought to school that day.

Monday 12 May 2014



I something is biodegradable
it will break down and decay if you put in landfill or left outside in the weather.
Break down into earth.
These things take 1 year to break down
-Cigarette butts
-Woolen socks
These things take 5 years to break down
-milk carton
-egg trays
-Leather shoes
Non biodegradable things do not break down
These ten things are not biodegradable and should be recycle.
- Rubber
- Glass
- Plastic
- Aluminium
- Nappies
- Styrofoam
- Tyre
- Steal
- Ceramics
- The foil